Creativity in Advertising Portfolio

In advertising, as in other creative industries, the portfolio is more important than the CV. In it, the creative teams show their best ideas, so that the creative directors can have a good idea of what they can do.

In our course we focus on giving the teams all the tools and guidance for them to create their own portfolio. We give them tasks every single week throughout five months, we select their best ideas, guide them in the crafting process and, finally, curate them to have a beautiful selection of what they can do, putting much more emphasis in the quality than in the quantity. With their portfolio, the teams can approach the advertising agencies with the best examples of creativity that their brain could produce, ready to wow their future bosses.

Here we are proud to present a selection of the most outstanding ideas created by the students throughout the whole history of our school. Introducing: The Atomic Crème de la Crème.

– Antonio Bechtle, Head of course

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Švitrigailos g. 34, Vilnius (Cyber City)

Telefonas +370 666 11233
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